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Catalyst Connection Announces CMfgA Training Program

By David Rea| 1 Min Read | April 21, 2022

The Certified Manufacturing Associate training program helps prepare dislocated workers, underemployed individuals, veterans, and more start a new career in manufacturing. The 25-class online training program from Tooling U-SME can be bundled with the nationally recognized Certified Manufacturing Associate credential. This training program prepares individuals for high-demand, entry-level careers including…

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Recap: Digital Transformation for Manufacturing

By Matt Minner| 2 Min Read | April 18, 2022

Digital Transformation, like so many other terms in the Industry 4.0 buzz word bingo wheel, can easily get lost in translation and be dismissed as another “sounds neat, but not realistic for me” technology topic. The panel discussion held on March 24th at the Pittsburgh Technology Council offices at Nova…

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Pennsylvania Manufacturing Advisory Council Seeks Input From Manufacturers

By Petra Mitchell| 1 Min Read | April 8, 2022

The Pennsylvania Manufacturing Advisory Council was formed last year as a public-private consortium. Its goal is to provide the Commonwealth’s legislative leaders and leading gubernatorial candidates with policy, program and legislative priority recommendations that will enhance the competitiveness of Pennsylvania’s nearly 15,000 manufacturing firms and their 585,000 employees. The Council…

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Catalyst Connection Hosts Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion Webinar Series

By Nathaniel Broadus| 2 Min Read | April 1, 2022

Catalyst Connection recognizes the great benefit of implementing a diverse, equitable, and inclusive manufacturing community; as well as the benefit that workers and manufacturers receive when unencumbered by workplace bias. We recently held a four-part Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion webinar series to provide a deeper dive on the importance of…

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