NASA Technology Transfer Expansion (T2X) Program
Our program is at in-person capacity. Please join us virtually. Registration is required to receive the virtual link.
Did you know that many of today’s commercial products were developed using NASA technology? Memory foam, invisible braces, and the dust buster are just a few examples of how innovations developed for space exploration were licensed for commercial use here on Earth.
NASA’s Glenn Research Center will partner with Catalyst Connection to present a NASA Technology, Programs, and Partnerships event at 10:30 a.m. on Sept. 29, 2023, at Mill 19, Hazelwood Green in Pittsburgh, Pa.
Tom Doehne from NASA’s Technology Transfer Expansion Program (T2X) at Glenn will discuss NASA’s technical core competencies, the process for licensing NASA technology for commercial and research use, and the variety of partnership opportunities available to universities, entrepreneurs, and manufacturers. These potential partnerships opportunities include funding, procurement, and accessing NASA’s facilities, equipment and expertise.
There is no cost to attend, and the benefits are invaluable.
To learn more about the T2X Program, check out this podcast with Tom Doehne here.
10:30 – 10:45 AM Welcome
10:45 – 11:45 AM NASA Technology, Programs & Partnerships – Tom Doehne, Office of Technology Incubation and Innovation
11:45 – 12:15 PM The Astrobotic Story – Sharad Bhaskaran, Astrobotic’s Mission Director for Peregrine Mission One
12:15 – 1:00 PM Lunch/Networking
About the Speakers
Innovative Partnership Specialist and Technology Manager Tom Doehne has 34 years of experience at NASA’s Glenn Research Center, including a background in work on both aeronautics and space missions. Tom’s experience includes mechanical design and integration, manufacturing, mechanical engineering, system engineering, partnership development, and technology commercialization.
Sharad Bhaskaran is a space industry veteran. He serves as the head of Astrobotic’s Planetary Lander Department and is leading Astrobotic Mission 1. Prior to Astrobotic, he has 25 years of experience at Lockheed Martin (LM) successfully developing and managing payload projects for spaceflight applications, and he led negotiation and testing of more than 30 U.S. payloads onto the Mir Space Station. During his time at LM, Bhaskaran was the Program Manager for the West Coast portfolio, which included the $300 million NASA Ames Research Center Programs & Projects engineering and science services contract and Shuttle operations support contracts at Armstrong Flight Research Facility and White Sands Space Harbor. Bhaskaran supported the International Space Station (ISS) Human Research Facility in various project and leadership roles, contributing to successful launch and operation of the system on ISS. He began his career at LM as a Payload Systems Engineer, where he performed Spacelab payload structural analysis for three integrated racks that flew and operated on Shuttle missions SLS-1 and SLS-2.