Recent legislation is providing incentives to encourage domestic clean energy production, improve the environment, and keep America’s manufacturers competitive in the global economy. There is an estimated $400 billion available for manufacturers to increase their competitiveness and lower their carbon footprint through the Inflation Reduction Act (IRA) and Build Back Better (BBB).

However there are numerous opportunities beyond the IRA and BBB to encourage domestic production in manufacturing. Navigating and understanding the grant and tax credit system is a complex process. We will be joined by experts who are recognized as a leader in energy efficiency solutions for nearly 20 years. Sign up for this free webinar as participants will walk away with a current understanding of the numerous tax incentives, grant programs, and technical assistance available to manufacturers across the tri-state area.

We are joined by the experts from CLEAResult in this informative session. CLEAResult is North America’s largest provider of energy efficiency, energy transition and decarbonization solutions The Clean Energy Manufacturing (CEMfg) initiative provides technical assistance and business support to small and medium manufacturers and enterprises seeking to expand business, production and jobs in the clean energy supply chains. Manufacturing companies also need to walk-the-talk on the net zero pathway as they expand manufacturing in these industries, and reinvest money from saved energy in business and workers. CEMfg helps with these initiatives through emissions reductions assessments and implementation strategies that increase efficiency and reduce production costs. Learn more at