Lean Tool Implementation Training
If you are interested in obtaining Lean Certification, please contact us at info@catalystconnection.org for details and assistance.
5S, Cellular, SMED, Pull/Flow and Quality at the Source
In today’s fast-paced world, innovation is a critical component of a company’s long term growth and success. Unfortunately, many manufacturers find the lean product development process to be one of their most ineffective and inefficient activities.
The objective of this one-day workshop is to help manufacturers remove waste from their new product development programs and product designs. Valuable tools and processes will be discussed that will help you achieve optimal profitability and minimize development time.
Using Lean Foundation training, participants will obtain an understanding of the key lean manufacturing concepts and practices in addition to:
- Deep dive into the 5 essential lean tools needed for successful implementation.
- Hands-on experience with practical applications of lean, supported by Catalyst Connection’s staff, to insure measurable impacts
- Implementation plan for operations to maximize value-added content and minimize waste which will result in reduced lead-times
- Demonstrated knowledge of Set Up reductions that will help participants to engage to generate impacts more quickly
- A workforce trained and empowered with the capabilities to properly identify and solve problems at the source, all using a common vocabulary and methodology.